Sat-Coord is a software suite which assists in the processing of satellite network information filed with the ITU, frequency overlap analysis and C/I calculation. Sat-Coord has been developed out of a suite of software tools which RPC Telecom originally produced for its own use in supporting consultancy clients.
The software has undergone significant testing and development over a period of more than seven years and have been used extensively to support the satellite coordination activities of RPC Telecom's clients including VINASAT, THURAYA, TONGASAT, SingTel, HELLAS-SAT and ETISALAT.
Please click here for more information on Sat-Coord.
Other Software
RPC Telecom have developed a number of software tools and systems including frequency optimisation software to assist the multi-lateral L-Band operators review meeting, software to support a study into the spectrum requirements for Digital Terrestrial Television in the UK, and satellite tracking using two line element data.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss a specific software requirement.